Best match with Proac Response Series


I recently bougth Proac Response 2.5. I'd like to know from experienced listeners which electronics best match with those speakers.


As you may gather from the foregoing, ProAcs will change depending on what you feed them. I have found them sweet with Pass Labs Aleph 3's, aggressive with ARC VT 100 II's, lite 'n' livley with C-J Premier 12A's, delicious and holographic with Blue Circle BC 2's. And with Cary 805's they are alleged to have gotten into some folks' pants. How do you like your eggs?
I heard Audio Research electronics an Tara cables with the 2.5s, and it was amazing. Forget the subwoofer, and keep it as simple as possible. I understand that the designer of Proac speakers voices them with Audio Research tube electronics, so I would imagine it is a good match, as my ears confirmed for me.
I own the 2.5's and the absolute sweetest sound I've ever heard was the 2.5's coupled with a Cary 300SEI and synergistic cables throughout. Currently Im using Cary Monoblocs but the 300SEI is an absolute musical experience with these speakers. all 11 watts of it.