We're all over the place here, so I might as well chime in....
Since the family room falls within my wife's perview, I had to be careful. Yet I convinced her to accept a beautiful pair of rosewood Spendor 3/1p on great-looking Plateau V23 steel stands, using a GREAT Spendor black SC3 center. Hiding the NAD T751 on a side-cabinet was the easy part.
The hardest part was the surrounds (of course). So may of them are really ugly, or stick out too far, and ESPECIALLY are NOT voiced for boundary support! I finally pleased both of us with the semi-cyllindrical beautifully-voiced (on the wall) Boston VR-MX in Cherry. They can be configured either bi or di, too. Makes a phenomenal fake 5.1 from 2ch with FM radio from across the room BEHIND them at the computer station too. I used fine cheap Canare star-quads for cabling, and of course my own $39 PC Kits on the T751 and the new Panasonic 36 Tau. LOTS of HT and background FM for around $4k.... Still using a cheap Panasonic DVD which sucks on Redbook...but that's what my ref system in the other room is for, eh? Have fun...and be SURE to demo rear speakers ON A WALL! Shame on JM Labs and Paradigm for screwing up their otherwise nice surrounds by forgetting to compensdate for boundary support! Sorry to bend the thread.
Since the family room falls within my wife's perview, I had to be careful. Yet I convinced her to accept a beautiful pair of rosewood Spendor 3/1p on great-looking Plateau V23 steel stands, using a GREAT Spendor black SC3 center. Hiding the NAD T751 on a side-cabinet was the easy part.
The hardest part was the surrounds (of course). So may of them are really ugly, or stick out too far, and ESPECIALLY are NOT voiced for boundary support! I finally pleased both of us with the semi-cyllindrical beautifully-voiced (on the wall) Boston VR-MX in Cherry. They can be configured either bi or di, too. Makes a phenomenal fake 5.1 from 2ch with FM radio from across the room BEHIND them at the computer station too. I used fine cheap Canare star-quads for cabling, and of course my own $39 PC Kits on the T751 and the new Panasonic 36 Tau. LOTS of HT and background FM for around $4k.... Still using a cheap Panasonic DVD which sucks on Redbook...but that's what my ref system in the other room is for, eh? Have fun...and be SURE to demo rear speakers ON A WALL! Shame on JM Labs and Paradigm for screwing up their otherwise nice surrounds by forgetting to compensdate for boundary support! Sorry to bend the thread.