New Maggie 3.6 OR 10 yr old Sound lab A-1 s

I am having to make a fast decision between new 3.6's
or a pair of 10 yr old Sound Lab A-1's. I have heard the
Maggies but not the A-1's. My question is with newer
technology would I be better off with new speakers or
will the time tested A-1's still reign supreme??
(The A-1's are said to be sonically sound)

Thanks fo any advise.
I got the chance to listen to the Soundlab Millenium 1 and the Soundlab Dynastat (a hybrid). They were driven by very expensive equipment. They sounded quite good indeed. At low volume you do get more detail with the Soundlabs versus the Maggie. However from my experience as a long time Maggie owner (1b's and IIIa's) and new owner of the 3.6. There are just some qualities Maggies present that I have not heard any other speaker present, especially in making making the speaker disappear. I have gotten rich textured 3D sound from them in spades (with good tube equipment). And when properly set up, because of their wide accurate frequency response (and I believe this is the key), You get a whole soundstage of instruments and human voice that just sound like the live performance and with natural space and dynamics that I have yet to hear from any other speaker brand, including the Soundlabs. As good as the Soundlabs were during the times I heard them , they did not give the fast, dimensional sound with space in the corners of the stage that the Maggies allow. I think that is why those who have heard the magic of the Maggie sound are so wedded to them. Even after all these years I still believe that Maggies at their best versus other great speakers at their best (such as Soundlabs) would yield a Maggie victory if you use the live performance as your yardstick. Maggies seem to win out in passing the emotion of music and with the bewilderment of presenting the three dimensionality of all the various pieces on the stage along with the fidelity and spaciousness and on top of all of that, presenting this simultaneously. They have fascinated me for 21 years (various models).

just sharing my life experiences,


And all above, the Sound Lab deal fell through due to
shipping hassles, and I bought the 3.6 R's. Wow!!!
Now while I never have heard the SL's, and have the chance
to get a great deal right now on a pair of SL A-3's, I just
cannot get myself to sell the Maggies (2nd pair in two weeks
due to a color change)

For the last week I have been sitting, mesmerized by the
sound with my Rowland mono 7's (which i cannot keep :o()
but they absolutly disappear and have speed & air I'm not
sure I can live without.

Would like to try some SL's one day but am very happy
right now.