Well this may not be what you're looking for, but in the long run might get you closer than me just telling you what I like.
First off, you will have to make compromises. What we need to know is which virtues cannot be compromised, and which ones can be.
Below is a list of speaker qualities in no particular order. Tell us which ones really matter to you (and perhaps put those in order), and of course add anything you'd like to your list.
1. Timbre (the natural sound of voices and instruments).
2. Clarity & nuance (you can hear all the details).
3. Dynamic contrast (liveliness).
4. Superb soundstaging for a single listener.
5. Good soundstaging over a wide listening area.
6. Natural-sounding bass.
7. Extreme deep bass extension.
8. Unobtrusive size and visual appeal.
9. Works well in less-than-optimum room or location.
10. Sounds great at low volumes.
11. Sounds great at medium volumes.
12. Sounds great at high volumes.
13. Forgiving of less-than-ideal recordings and sources.
14. Ruthlessly accurate and revealing.
15. Freedom from little colorations that remind you you're listening to boxes, not live music.
16. Non-fatiguing over long listening sessions.
Do you like a more forward or a more laid-back presentation? Do you tend to like your sound a bit warm, a bit bright, or dead neutral? (It is no sin to prefer something other than dead neutral). Which is more important to you - that lush feeling of rich ambience and spaciousness you get in a concert hall, or being able to pick out the precise location of each individual instrument?
What megabuck speakers that you can't afford do you really love, and what was it they did that captured your heart?
Just answer whichever questions matter to you. And of course add any comments you'd like to about things you especially want (or don't want) your speakers to do - like if they have to be toddler safe, for example.
Selecting speakers is probably the most fun part of assembling or upgrading a system, and what I'm hoping is that we can make it even more fun for you by offering suggestions that address your personal priorities.
Enjoy the Quest!