Best Isolation Device for Speakers?

Has anyone had a chance to directly compare different speaker isolation tweaks? I am wondering because of the recent thread on the Sistrum stand. I know that many of these things have been discussed in other posts, but there is not alot of direct comparison among them. I suspect that most of these are excellent, so if anyone has some information on their specific sonic impact, that would be helpful. I have a pair of Thiel 7.2s. Some of the ones I am considering:

Aurios Pro
Sistrum Speaker Stand
Mana Speaker Stand

Isolation vs coupling...I won't go there. However, if you want to isolate, nothing is better than suspending the speakers from the ceiling. Chains or wire, and perhaps monofiliament fishing line works. For even better isolation (from the ceiling) you could use bungie cords. Cheap too.

With the boxes floating in space you get acoustic isolation as well as mechanical isolation. IMHO the acoustic part is usually most important.
Sir I beg to differ. In your proposal there is no provision for resonant energy to leave. The resonance will come out the front the back the sides. You will have a 360 degree resonant pattern to augment the music..Tom
Theaudiotweak...Enclosures should be solidly constructed of "dead" material, shaped so the panels don't vibrate, (cylinders are good), internally braced, and internally damped. If the top/sides of your enclosure vibrate, even glueing the bottom to a concrete floor wouldn't help.

Of course, the real answer is to get rid of the box entirely: go planar.
What is the best material to put under the speakers? I've got some B&W Nautilus 803's and I can buy Sound Anchor stands for them. I've read that putting BDR IV cones under the Sound Anchor stands is an improvement.

Perhaps putting a 2' x 2' sheet of granite, tile, hardward would be better?
I am most interested in what is going on here. When the speakers are spiked onto the floor, this should create the best path for resonant energy to depart (good), and this should increase the energy input into the floor which drives the natural floor resonance (bad). Putting the speakers on MDF over the carpet should reduce both the good and bad effects above. This is the dilemma.

I can notice this dramatic improvement when listening to a female vocal with delicate symbols and piano in the background. So there are no heavy bass notes that might be shaking the speakers or the floor. Also, for what it is worth, I can easily feel the floor resonate around 30HZ when conducting SPL measurements. However, the I have adjusted the subs in the 5As and have a smooth response from 20 to 160 HZ within +or- 3DB.

Yesterday I bought some heavy cutting boards to try under the speakers in place of the MDF. I am just trying to confirm what I am hearing with another material. I would like to try the Systrum platforms, but it would seem to raise the speakers up too high for proper listening. With regard to hanging the speakers on wires, these 5As weigh 185 lbs. each!

I spoke to Richard Vandersteen at CES about this and he doesn't like putting the speakers on MDF because he felt they would not be stable enough (movement front to back that would distort the image). His answer was to strengthen the floor from underneath.

I'm still trying to figure out where to go next. Thanks for your ideas.