Good small sub.

I need advise on a small sub. just to compliment the full range speaker.I don't need sub 35hz.I like real bass.
Hi Guys,
Mine is an opposite, I like my current Infinity L-20 very much (even though it was discontinued long before. I prefer high frec. more. Help me to find, is there any Stand -alone Tweeter (just like Sub-woofer for Bass) as an optional to one's currrent system ?? HELP....
I recently bought the Velodyne HGS-10. It's not cheap, but it puts out. And it is real small and well built.
35Hz is considered by some to be 'limited' full-range.

You want real (musical) bass? Then one of the most musical no frills no thrills subwoofers out there is the Bag End Infrasub 18 inch subwoofer with a range of 8Hz to 95Hz. I've demo'ed it in my home and was amazed at how tight and musical it was. Almost too tight if than can be so especially for an 18 inch woofer. The only reason I did not go with the Bag End was because I wanted a sub with an auto on/off switch so I stepped down one notch. If I were to do it over again, I would probably get the Bag End for about $1300.

If money is not much of an issue, one of THE subs to buy (besides the Bag End) would be the Aerial Acoustic SW12 12 inch woofer. I have listened to it but not critically. The infinite configuration options, and the extremely positive reviews put the Aerial SW12 right at the top. It retails for about $5200 in Rosewood their most expensive finish but you can probably get one for $4000.

i don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but "good small sub" is an oxymoron, imo. size matters! ;~) you can't easily (or inexpensively) get around the laws of physics. i like vmps - dollar-for-dollar, the loudest-playing, lowest-frequency-response, lowest-distortion subs on the market.

doug s.

I currently use an NHT SubOne which I like very much. It's reasonably sized. Other you should check out are: Adire Rava and HSU subs.
