Infinity Servo Statics 1A's...where are they???

I had the great pleasure (some might say privilage) of hearing the Infinty Servo Static 1-A's a number of times, years ago.
I have searched e-bay.....audiogon etc. for a used pair.I
know that only a few system were made......does anyone out there know of a working system or has had the opportuinity of hearing these great (at the time) speakers?
You will need patience. I have seen the Servo-Statics on Ebay in the recent past. You will need to watch everywhere,
here on a-gon, Ebay,, as well as the other audio related websites. Higher-End vintage Infinity appears on Ebay on a sporadic, but fairly regular basis.
I personally have never heard the Servo-Statics, my favorite Infinity speakers are the IRS Beta and the RS1-RS1b. In the last three years I have acquired two complete sets of RS1x and one set IRS Beta. I have also acquired sufficient spares for the RS1x series, and am always looking for IRS Beta spare parts, which are few and far between.

Best of luck in your quest!

I remember hearing the Servo-Statics 1A at my local hi-fi shop in New Brunswick, NJ way back when they first came out. At the time I recall they were playing Elton John's "Captain Fantastic," and Cat Steven's "Hard-headed Woman". The crispness, clean and loud transient attack that those panels possessed was just breathtaking -- possibly the best I have heard at any time from any speaker system. I have heard most of the other Infinity speakers including the IRSes and the RS-1bs and as good as those systems are, I don't think they equalled what I heard that day. But the Servos were not known for their reliability and were difficult to keep running for long. But man, when they were working right, look out! I doubt that too many properly-functioning 1As are in existence today. What a ride though!
Hi Rwd,

I agree completely with the above post. I too heard these when they first came out and Plato is right, they were assume. But also like Plato, I feel that they are probably few and far between at this point, as they were a little temperamental to keep up and running. However good luck in your search and I hope you find a usable pair.

Upon reading these posts it is deja vu for me as a previous owner of both servo 1's and 1A's. Yes they do exist but you had to be a mechanic to keep them running. But when they were working they were the most dynamic and live speakers I have ever heard. So suductive but truly magnificant. I drove them with ARC D75A's and even used a D150 for the midrange. There were amps and crossovers everywhere to made them work. But because my keds took over the 'rec' room I decided to sell them to a friend here in Vancouver who is an electical engineer and adept at maintanining them. Without doubt I will never forget my experience with them. My only remnant of Infinity now is a pair of Infinity 2000A's from the same vintage.Arnie Nudell was a true pioneer in audio. Good luck in your quest seeking for these babies.