best dealer to buy a avalon speaker

i am interested in buying a new or used two way avalon speaker. which is the best and why? also which dealer did you buy from ?
There is no denying John Barnes of Audio Unlimited has put together an unbelievable set up with the Accuphase/Boulder/Eidolon. The room this combo is in is state of the art as well. Absolutely amazing. I only wish they would have had a pair of Opus on hand for me to hear.
For an excellent sales experience, great products and an overall quality presentation, contact Everett Fuller at Sound and Cinema in Alpharetta, GA (near Atlanta). The shop is truly devoted to high-end 2 channel systems and features Pass Labs, making it (in my humble opinion) a real class act.


I would like to thank all of my fellow Avalon buddies for responding to my question. I bought a AVALON ARCUS, will have it in a week . A special thanks to GINO for helping me.Tweety