what speakers do the best "disappearing act"??

what speakers do the best "disappearing act"??
I want speakers that totally envelop you in sound....so much so that it is non-directional, and sound seems to be coming from everywhere in the soundstage...

when I listen to music even with my eyes closed I can tell exactly where my 2 speakers are located and most of the sound eminates directly from them these 2 speakers..so maybe it's time to upgrade..my system is a pair of NHT 3.3, wadia 850 cdp, and odyssey monoblock amps.
My personal experience with speakers of this character include the Rogers LS3/5a (15 ohm version) and Gallo Nucleus Reference. -Sam
I have the Dynaudio 1.3Se's and I am constanly amazed at how the speakers seem to just not be the source of the music. The sound is so smooth and integrated to the music that I need to close my eyes so that I don't stare at the speakers and try to locate the sound instead of just listening to the music. Now that I have finished all the tweaks on my todo list. It is a real satifying experience. Dale
Audio Physic Virgos. They're very difficult to set up properly, but once you get the set up right, they do disappear. It's very impressive. Still, that's not to say that they are the best out there - I find the vocals on my Virgos not quite as good as my previous B&W Nautilus 805s.
I am still amazed by the kind of soundstage that the old Spica TC50 have. I own a pair of Alon IIs, Hales Sig II and Thiel CS3.5 but every now and then I just have to fire up the old Spicas. Paired with the Quicksilver KT88s or Counterpoint electronics, these things are amazing. Too bad John Baugh left audio.
I recently acquired a pair of Paragon Regents from another Audiogon member......I don't think enough people have ever heard these speakers! So little ever mentioned about them but so much speaker for the money. Paragon gives you the Cardas room measurements and if you at least try it out you will be amazed at what these Regents Will Do!...Of all the speakers to pass through my system the Regents are the only one's that made my wife sit there through an entire disc.