Why do only US makers focus on time coherency?

Just curious...it seems that the handful of truly time and phasecorrect speaker makers...Vandersteen,Thiel,Meadowlark,Green Mtn,Thiel,etc,,,are all US based companies...why is this? Are there any Euro/Brit speakers that come to mind? (Besides Quad stats?)
The new Triangle tweeters were developed as a semi horn design to address this issue in a more conventional cabinet.

My Coincident Digital Masters are time coherent, but Israel has gone to more conventional cabinet designs in his recent efforts to ease manufacture and lower costs.

Reference 3A speakers claim time coherence.

My friend Michael's (Sufentanil) Audio Physics speakers are time coherent.

The Fried Valhallas (C Series monitors) were time coherent, and we are probably going to introduce a C7 monitor next year. The pair we are using as our reference to the old days can really play tricks on your ears, they're flat out wicked! I once SWORE a phone was ringing behind me(and I was sitting against a wall), and it was the music - speakers were 15 feet in front of me.

But, overall, I think your premise seems to hold water. It's an interesting point, thanks for raising it.
Hammy .. Pace Rhythm And Timing. It's about whether a stereo makes you want to tap your foot or go to sleep.
Bombaywalla is incorrect-JmLabs speakers are time AND phase correct. They design the structure of their speakers and their crossovers with that in mind. Don't forget that it all depends on listing distance and height of the listener relative to the loudspeaker drivers(especially the tweeter) in order to benefit from such a design.
Wilson Audio's are also correct, and are set up when you purchase them for your arrangement, but then again, they're American also.
Shayne, didn't JAs analysis in a Stereophile write up show the JMlabs were actually NOT time coherent, despite being advertised as such?

I know Richard Vandersteen, as well as Bud Fried, are very adamant as to the importance of time coherence.