You should call the factory, I know II's cannot be refurbed after a certain serial #, which I don't have hands on at the moment. I buy and sell a fair amount of maggies and on
II's the 1st thing I ask about when buying is what serial # they are.
If you hook them up and they sound good, no bass panel rattles or no missing mid range or high end, really no need
to refurb. New socks are nice if needed, and not that hard to do. If they were well taken care of, probably ok.
If they are II's and you paid 300, I think more than a fair price. I personally think Magnepan and Jim Winey have consistantly built one of the great audio bargains in history. No, they are not for everybody, cause if you have to have gut thumping bass or or a heavy metal rock and roller, those listeners usually don't care for them. But if you like acoustic music, jazz, classical, I think they are incredible. Very few speakers can bring a performer into your room the way Maggies can. Very few speakers can dissapear into a room the way Maggies can. If I were in your shoes, I would listen to those a while and see if you liked them. If you do, I would be posting them for sale here and looking for a pair of 1.4's or larger, great bargains under 15oo dollars.
II's the 1st thing I ask about when buying is what serial # they are.
If you hook them up and they sound good, no bass panel rattles or no missing mid range or high end, really no need
to refurb. New socks are nice if needed, and not that hard to do. If they were well taken care of, probably ok.
If they are II's and you paid 300, I think more than a fair price. I personally think Magnepan and Jim Winey have consistantly built one of the great audio bargains in history. No, they are not for everybody, cause if you have to have gut thumping bass or or a heavy metal rock and roller, those listeners usually don't care for them. But if you like acoustic music, jazz, classical, I think they are incredible. Very few speakers can bring a performer into your room the way Maggies can. Very few speakers can dissapear into a room the way Maggies can. If I were in your shoes, I would listen to those a while and see if you liked them. If you do, I would be posting them for sale here and looking for a pair of 1.4's or larger, great bargains under 15oo dollars.