Cured of upgraditis?

For most of my audio life I have suffered from the affliction of updraditis. I'm sure you know of what I speak. However, after my most recent round of upgrades, and with lighter wallet, I am at a point where, with the system below, I don't feel the need to change a thing. Of course, the system is not perfect. I have a noisy tube in the preamp and a lip-sync issue with the disc player, but I just want those problems to be solved - I don't actually want to change any of the equipment. Music and movies have never sounded better. It's a curious feeling, like audio nirvana, a sort of zen-like quality. What I'm wondering now is if this condition is temporary and brief or, as I hope, will last a long time, possibly forever. Does anyone have any similar experiences to share?

Oppo BDP-105 universal player
conrad-johnson MET1 6-channel tube preamp
Sunfire Cinema Grand 5-channel power amp
Von Schweikert speakers: VR-33 mains, Unifield 1 center, TS-150 surrounds
REL T1 subwoofer
Cabling: Cardas, a mixture of quadlink and cross
A couple of beers
A good time
I cured my hifi upgraditis by buying a couple of nice used acoustic guitars. Talk about high fidelity! Now instead of worrying about soundstaging and timbre I ask myself "does the resonance of my Spruce/Rosewood guitar overwhelm note clarity and separation compared to my Adirondack/Mahogany guitar?

Hey, acoustic guitars save more energy than Class D amplifiers! Zero watts at idle or full volume.
How do you like the VR33 speakers? I am considering a pair but haven't heard them. I need something to go close to the rear wall and they seem to be just the ticket. Mostly, how do they sound on rock?
Your system sounds wonderful, but be sure your beer is not in need of an upgrade. It's often the littlest things that make for the largest differences. Have least for a while.