You can try, try doing a search on Google for lowther speakers. There is a David Dicks in St. Louis who sells Lowthers. Fostex drivers are ok. I build a Fostex based single driver full range , bass reflex speaker. They image well and have incredible clarity and detail (and this was a cheaper Fostex as opposed to the Sigma series Fostex) but not great bass. And th I have heard the bass is improved with Lowthers in a Fedelio horn loaded enclosure. You can also combine the Fostex or the Lowther with a an Audax 15 driver bassed on Basszilla design from Dan Olsher(check I was thinking about the Basszilla but decided against it as it requires a large room!! There is also a design available on the net by the name of Voight Pipe which looks cool and simple to build and will work with a Fostex or a Lowther, check this out as well. As for myself, I went with a speaker that's crossover-less from Decware High Fidelity Engineering( Check this site out The reason I choose the RL-1 from decware? Well, upper frequency extension is better, imaging is better and holographic/3D presentation is amazing! I would not even build a 300b as the Zen amp from Decware for $500-700 will simply KILL any 300B! Good luck....By the way, hey wanna buy my 60lb bass reflex design for single drivers?...