Opinions of Cliffhanger Bulldogs

Let me start by saying, I can't get enough of speakers. I currently own speakers from Thiel, Aerial, and Alon, and although they are quite different in presentation I still like them all.

I just did something I never do, and that's purchase a speaker upon first listen. The speakers were the Cliffhanger Bulldogs, now while I am waiting for delivery of them I find myself getting nervous and second guessing my decision. Anybody out there have any opinions on this speaker, good or bad you won't hurt my feelings,just my wallet.

I listen mostly to Jazz and acoustic music. My system consists of the following in a 14x20 room.
Classe ca301
Joule electra La 100 MKIII
Audio Research CD2
MIT cables and interconnects

I heard them about six months ago and I agree that they are power hungry but damn fine. If I could have bought them that day I would have. Luckily I came to my senses and realized they wouldn't work with my setup... but if they would.....

Cliffhanger's website is down right now, but here's the address: www.cliffhangeraudio.ca.

Soundstage did a review and a follow-up on the Bulldogs:



I'd be more than happy to take a shot at any questions you might have.

Best wishes,

TNT-Audio did a nice review of them also - http://www.tnt-audio.com/casse/bulldog_e.html

Botrytis - Thanks for the info, I read the review you mentioned. Nice to know TNT- audio seemed to like them.

Curt - They are hard to find but if you have the chance give them a listen.

Finfinder - Thanks for your reply, I have a classe ca 301 rated at 300 watts with fair current flow so I am hoping Power is not going to be a problem.

Duke - Thanks alot for all your sharing. I have seen many responses from you on this site and on others. You appear to be very knowledgeable, but more importantly willing to share this with others in a way that shows a real passion for audio and many fine products out there.
I am aware of the positioning of the speaker and believe that 19 or 20 inch stands are needed, but I think I will wait until I get them before I get another set. I do have the premier speaker stands which I use on another speaker but they are 26 inches high, and that will put the ribbon to high for my listen position, but it's worth a try first and may help me decide what height will work best.
