Thiel owners

Has anyone compared the new 2.4 to the 3.6? I have heard
the 3.6 and could get a good deal used, but with the newer 2.4 their technology might be better than the older 3.6 model. Has anyone compared or had a good listen the the 2.4?

Thanks, Bob
I just auditioned the 2.4 in my system. I currently own the 2.2s, but have auditioned the 2.3s and 3.6s extensively in my system (and always prefer my 2.2s, so I keep them!) I found the 2.4s to sound more similar to the 3.6s than to the 2.2s or 2.3s. The 2.4s are far more full-bodied, with more natural warmth than the 2.3s. The 2.3s however were quite a bit more laid back and natural. It's too bad they were rather sterile and colorless and lacking in warmth. They were at least sweet. The 2.4s are more forward and brighter by quite a bit, very much like I remember the 3.6s sounding in my system. Their bass is superb - deep and tight. However, I found its bass volume limits rather sooner than I expected. I have yet to reach the bass limits with my 2.2s, and never did when auditioning the 2.3s or 3.6s. But what Thiel is calling an 8" woofer in the 2.4 sure does look like a 6 1/2" to me. Smaller than my 8" in the 2.2s. The midrange clarity, however, was to die for in the 2.4s, but it is rather forward.

Which to buy? Depends on your amplifier. If you have a truly high-end, very high quality, high-powered amp, I'd buy the 3.6s. If you've got anything less than that in an amp, I'd buy the 2.4s - they are much easier to drive. But make no mistake, the 2.4s are as ruthlessly revealing as the 3.6s. None of the forgiving nature of the 2.2s, which is probably why I always end up preferring my 2.2s over any of the others I listen to. But if you've got the right stuff, the mid range of the 2.4s is simply spectacular.

Thanks for your response. I use a BAT 300x with 150 watt @ 8 ohms & 300 @ 4 ohms. I would assume that would be enough power for the 3.6's?

I talked to BAT some time ago, and they had a Bat 300x driving 7s with no problems..
I forgot to mention in my "review" above, that I heard a pinched quality in the upper midrange, noticable in the upper range of trumpets and violins. And on higher up, the violins then became a little too thin. And not just on solo violin; full section orchestral violins also suffered. I even heard this pinched quality on upper harmonics of lower-pitched instruments (trombones for example). The 2.3s were sweeter in this range (but then lost out by being too lean in the lower mids). I remember the 3.6s sounding spectaularly full-bodied all through the range. I certainly don't hear this pinched/thinness with my 2.2s.

And for the record, I auditioned all these Thiels in my system comprising a Theta Miles cd player, Krell KRC3 preamp, Krell KAV250a amp and all Straightwire Crescendos and Serenade wires.

By the way, I think the BAT 300x amp should work pretty well with the 3.6s (but I've never tried it). But my Krell (rated as 250/500/1,000 watts into 8, 4 and 2 ohms respectively) did have a little trouble on the very biggest peaks with the 3.6s. It had the power, but lost some refinement under the load during the most demanding orchestral climaxes at realistic volumes. Those are TOUGH speakers to drive. I've not heard my Krell "clip" on any other speaker I've tried. I'd definately try to audition the 3.6s with your amp first, if at all possible. But I'm thinking your BAT amp might sound awfully nice with the 2.4s...