"Stacked" Advents hookup

Any one recall how to wire stacked Advents??? I don't want to melt down my amp!!! And, how much better are they in this famous set-up?? I have recently read on the net that four Advents(two separate columns) can sound awesome. Please advise
This is a good one. Holy flashback. Let's see it was twenty....seven years ago and I remember you had to invert the top pair (turn them upside down so the tweeters were close together) and then you needed jumpers to wire the positive on the top pair to the positive on the lower pair and then the same for the two negative terminals. I think that's right. I know someone else here had this setup too. I remember it was a kickin combo. I was a teenager so you know I loved it. I used a Dynaco stereo 150 amp that I built from a kit. Help me out guys... my memory isn't what it used to be.
I was speaking with a friend about stacked Advents the other day. I was curious to know if he had tried them with the top speaker upside-down, so the tweeters would be together in the center and he said he had not. I thought it would have been interesting to do that and see how it compared to the bottom-to-top configuration that he used. Now you can try it and see. It may help to put them on short stands to get them off the ground a bit and to put a vibration-absorbing maretial between the cabinets for isolation.

I don't remember if the Advents were 4 or 8 ohm speakers, but if they were 8 ohms nominal, then most amps would do fine with a simple parallel hookup. If they were 4 ohms nominal (I believe the small Advents were, not the large) then you would need to consult the amp's manufacturer because a parallel hookup would result in less than 2 ohms impedance at some frequencies and not all amps can handle that. In that case you could always try a series hookup, but then you'd likely need more amp power.

Happy experimenting and let us know how you fare.
Hi Sunnyjim, The parallel hookup was the way I did it when I had them. I did not invert the top pair. The bass of the setup was pretty good and the overall impression was positive of the setup from memory. How they would sound to me today is another matter. My guess is they would be somewhat "thickish" sounding. To answer your question, stacking Advents was a pretty large difference (for the better)over a single pair.......Frank