Sonus Farber Guarneri vs Merlin VSM

Looking to complete a 2 channel system consisting of a Theta front end transport and DAC, and Joule Electra OTL monoblocks. Any other suggestions are welcome but my spending limit is about 4-5000. I am having some trouble finding both of these speakers to audition in my home so I would like to here from as many of you as possible before I decide on a speaker.
Hi Rhyno,
Your amp is an exception, it has a hi damping factor but a truly relaxed and full character. It is also one of my most recommended component brands.
I believe that Stereophile made the comparison of the VSM to the Amati Homage in their review of the Merlins, to further Bobby's point. Sterophile also made the VSM a runner-up for speaker product of the year in the current issue. I really like my Merlins, and I've owned many speakers. The last two I owned were Talon Khorus and Silverline La Folias. Neither gave me the listening pleasure that I get from the Merlins. They just seem to do everything right.
Bobby guards his Merlins like a pit bull. You will not win in any debate about any speaker against his babys. This man knows more about speakers than most of your speaker builders alive today. I know I had the Merlin Vsm-m. They taught me more about sound than any speaker I had before them. Speakers are a personal choice go with your ears they are both fine speakers.
Thank you all for your time and advice. I will first try the Merlin VSM Millenium edition. I hope to home demo in the next few weeks but as we get closer to the holidays things have a way of changing. I hope Santa is listening and a pair of Merlins are not too heavy. Merry Christmas!!