Have you heard Rockport speakers?

I am beginning to become interested in Rockport Hyperion speakers. Have you heard any of the line? If so, what was the setup like and how do you describe your experience listening to them?


Bill E.
I have been asked to post a followup describing my system. It doesn't seem to apply, since I am beginning my next quest into audio nirvana and lunacy. Therefore, I am prepared to build an entirely new two channel system around a set of speakers... Wilson Whamm's, Revel, Rockport. I'm beginning the journey for the biggest soundstage and imaging I can get within a human level of cost, say ,$100,000 for speakers, new or used and an equivalent amount for electronics.

I currently have a ML335, ML380S, Dunlavy SCIV's, PS Audio 600 and AudioMeca Mephisto II.

Thanks for your thoughts and experiences.

Bill E.
i've heard the syzygy's at rcrumps place, and with his front end (arguably the best equip made), it just freaked. hard to imagine 2-ch sound getting much better---the syzygy's are out of production, but for $15k or so, they killed near-priced competition.

rockports aren't cheap, but they're a last buy. talk to andy payor, great guy, and chief mfg at rockport.

Hi-I own Rockport Speakers and while they are extremely detailed,there is a warmth and sweetness to their presentation,some may say an over analytical sound --but when you listen to their opposition you realise how much information you are actually missing with other speakers!Beautifully finished,if damn heavy! but one of the best out there--highly recommended.
