Big sub-woofer sitting on carpet HELP

That's right I have a big sub-woofer (Velodyne HGS 15) sitting on a carpeted slab floor. I'm thinking I should set it up on some points and maybe top load it with say 20 lbs. of lead shot. Any one agree? Disagree? Have any better suggestions? Let’s talk turkey:~)
I agree with Mcne, except that steel shot is magnetic, not always a great idea on top of speakers with magnets. If you cannot find lead shot at a shooting supply, try finding it at a dive shop.

Dive lead for scuba, is coated in copper to conform to current laws about water safety. Completely non toxic and still non magnetic.
OH Yea! That is a major point. It is magnetic. Bad choice. But I wonder if it would tailor the sound in , oh never mind. Dale
Thanks everyone. I'll let you know how it turns out. happy gobble gobble tomorrow:~)