Is it true Genesis is out of business?

I have heard this several times in recent months, and some people have found their website unavailable, but I have accessed the website often recently w/no problems. I think my Genesis 500's are the best speakers I have ever owned--of course, I haven't owned 'em all or heard 'em all, but these have remained in a constantly changing system for 5 yrs and I still love hearing them. If it's true that Genesis is folding, I'd look for great deals on the newer model 501's and other Genesis models. I've had several people lately tell me to stay away from Genesis, given their financial situation, but if I can get some of their speakers for huge discounts, why should I stay away? Is it because of warranty issues? My 500's have been perfect, and couldn't someone else fix a faulty speaker for me (for a price, of course) anyway? I have never had to use the warranty on a speaker, maybe that's just good luck, but I have never had one blow or melt or anything. Any other reason not to buy Genesis speakers at huge discounts, if possible?
Parts for Genesis speakers: there is a new adress in California under who are able to sell parts for most genesis models.
The idea to assembly some models in china is not bad. I think it is a good idea, but the best idea would be, that there will be a future of Genesis at all.
I live in Germany and own a system II and play it with a wadia 27ix/270. Before I bougt this genesis speaker I tried more or less all other expensive and well known speakers but none of them was as good as the genesis is. And the difference was not only sligtly, the differnece was big!
Here in Germany and in Europe the Genesis speakers have generally a good recommendation in sound and technic. But many people say that the management in business terms was not perfect. For commercial success it is neccassary that the papers like Stereophile and the similar papers here in Europe, that they 'write' about it. And it is the job of the management to get them writing ... The papers don't write 'much' but they are the first source of informations for potential customers. And at the other hand, an item which is not discussed in these papers at all has more or less no chance to success in the market. Here in Germany the Genesis products were not mentioned in theses papers in the last years (in about 1995 to 1998 they were) and as I know, it is quiet similar in USA.
So I think there could be a good chance for a new Genesis if they will be well managed in commercial terms. This does mean affordable prices and it does mean acceptance of market rules.
I had some people of the audio business listening to my Genesis speakers and they generally say that they more or less never heard something with a similar sound performance!
Hi all,

A.C.A. received the following Announcement which I think it might interest Genesis owners:


From: "Jacquelyn Koh"
To: "Audiophile Club of Athens"
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 6:23 AM
Subject: Genesis: News and Launch


I've noticed that your website for the Audiophile Club of Athens at has many articles on Genesis speakers and products, and indicates many members who own our products.

As such I'd like to ask if you would be interested to receive the Press Release for the launch of the new company Genesis Advanced Technologies, which will be taking over the Genesis product line.

We also have the press release on our website at

Thanks and Best Regards,
Genesis Advanced Technologies (Pte) Limited
192 Waterloo Street, Jacquelyn Koh General Manager
#07-01, Skyline Building, DID: (65) 6 332-2300 Fax: (65) 6 339-3112
Singapore 187966