Speaker Bass Reduction

Are there any other materials besides foam that people have used in the bass port of a speaker to reduce the bass? What type of material have others used in the bass port that is more dense than foam to reduce the speakers bass response? Thanks for your help.
I'd recommend first trying to relocate your speakers further away from any back or side walls. I would suggest a minimum of 5 or 6 ft out from the back wall and at least 3 feet in from the side-wall as a rough starting point.

On the other hand, it could also be your speaker cables. The Audience Au24 speaker cables are excellent at removing a very common time-smear and bloated bass and often times replacing the bloat and excess with some excellent deep, tight, well-defined, and extended bass.

Audience-av.com will set you up with a dealer who should allow you a 30 to 60 evaluation in your home so you have nothing to lose if they don't do the trick.

Strictly speaking that doesn't reduce bass. Move the speakers around horizontally and vertically, try them against other walls. Try putting reflective material in the corners of your room. If all else failes get some high pass filters
Strictly speaking, Mfkeleher should have qualified his statement above by concluding that he is sharing his opinion rather than mislead the reader to think what he says is fact.

Perhaps his experience is difference than mine when dealing with this issue. But he should at least know that there are a number of ways to skin this cat.

-IMO (I know I'm right, otherwise I'd change my opinion)