Improving bass response

I would like to improve the bass extension in my system. My current system includes Arcam Diva 92 > HT Pro Silway Mk II > Classe CAP-150 > Synergistic Research Sig. 2 > Sonus Faber Concerto speakers. Power cords are stock.

I know the SF monitors cannot reproduce extremely low bass. I have moved them around and believe they are optimally arranged, given the confines of the room. The room measures 15x25 feet and the speakers fire across the width of the room. They are 7 feet apart, several feet off the side walls on both sides and 2 feet away from the front wall. The sitting position is almost against the back wall and is not easily changed.

I want to avoid simply adding a sub-woofer. I have tried a Rel Strata and despite integrating fairly well, I can still hear a disconnect ie. the sound is not seamless.

I'm willing to change anything else except the Arcam which I like and intend to keep until the format wars end. I also like the speakers with the exception of the low end. Should I:

- try upgrading power cords
- change speakers (Grand Pianos or other suggestions)
- change integrated amp to separates with an amp that doubles down into 4 ohms and has better bass extension (the CAP-150 is 150W into 8 ohms and 225W into 4 ohms)
- or anything else?

Any help is appreciated.
Thanks, Dave
Thanks for the responses. It looks like power cords are worth auditioning.

Sugarbrie, FYI the Rel was in a corner and I didn't have a lot of flexibility regarding placement (thanks to doors, piano, etc in the room). I did try changing the frequency cut-off and left a gap between the sub and the low frequency extension of the monitors but it didn't help. Who knows? Maybe the issue was more in my head than with the equipment.

Regarding speaker placement, I can't move the speakers closer to the side walls due to doors in both directions. Are you also referring to placing the speakers closer to the front wall as well?

Thanks for your help and look forward to any additional comments.
I was able to get a completely seamless transition. It didn't happen until the sub was completely broken in and it didn't happen until I got the setup right. Took me a couple weeks of adjusting. Once I got it, it was like the Concertos were different speakers. They still had much of their original characteristics, but the sense of ambience and power was greatly improved. Soundstage reality and dynamics were greatly increased as well. Best $1100 I have ever spent on audio. Well, then I ended up selling my Concertos and upgrading to the Sapphrie III LEs, but that is another story. Try it, you'll love it!
Oh I forgot; If you still have the REL, a better power cord for it replacing of the stock cord really smooths out the low bass response (less boomy for a REL, which is not boomy compared to other subs). At least 6 feet long. Maybe then it will integrate well.
I found the following upgrades to my system improved the bass:
1. Nordost quattro-fil cables (from spm)
2. Spiking the speakers.
3. The addition of a sony scd-1. This had an amazing impact.
4. Powerful amps (duh).

Of course you can give up some imaging and get more bass by moving your speakers back. You can also get one of those computerized room analyzers. Those will help you position your speakers for optimal bass response.
With a given room and given speaker/listener positioning, the thing that most effects the bass response is the speakers. By far. Next would be amplification. Then preamp. In some systems the speaker cabling makes a significant difference as well. Power cords make a difference in areas that relate somewhat to the bass, such as bloom and dynamics, but I don't think they can solve your problem. My advice, free and worth every penny.