I guess I must have missed the shamless self-dealing in the past by StarSound (Sistrum)on these forums. I talked to Robert yesterday about some stands for my speakers. I found him to be one of the most knowlegable, friendly, helpful, man I have dealt with as far as a company goes. I must have talked with him for over an hour. Shamless, deceitful, self promotion, are hardly the words I would use to describe this very helpful man. When I mentioned Ken of Neuance, He had very high praise of ken and his product. Redkiwi and Cornfedboy are among my favorite posters on Audiogon. Please tell me what I obviously missed. I would encourage both Redkiwi and CFB to take Robert up on his offer. Give the man a call and see if there was a misundestanding. Remember, there is always two sides to every story. He has offered, why hesitate to accept? I know for some, it is easier to beat up on someone than finding truth. CFB and Redkiwi do not fit this description.
Thank you Robert for all you help. I have nothing but the highest regards for you. And no, I have nothing to do with any audio manufactuer. I am an audiophile with an open mind, or at least I like to think of myself that way.