Sean, you are dead right of course. It was the good old Quad 57, which had the backwave at least partially blotted out by a fairly thick felt layer and this speaker, especially in the HQD version threw an incredibly good soundstage. Many people preferred the 57 to the later iterations for just that very reason. Unfortunatedly the thing never played really loud and you had to sit exactly in the sweat spot to get the highs right. I've experimented with blotting out the back wave, but very dilletantly and unsuccessfully. I find the idea you bring up fascinating, but I'm not knowledgeable enough in these things to design or even dream of something similar. Besides, with my setup, it would be impossible anyway.
Which speakers do the hologram thing?
Some reviewers talk about how speakers can produce a 3-D image so convincing that it seems one can "walk amongst the performers" or "sense the air between performers," or they may say how "each musician appears to occupy a solid space," etc. I'm not certain I have heard this. In your experience which spekers have this ability?
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- 23 posts total