matching a pair of speakers to my equipment

hi there
i got an integrated krell (300i) and a rega planet 2000
cd player and a budget of up to $2000 for speakers,
what would b a good match and should i shop for used
also, would electrostats perform decently with that krell?
any recommendations or help of any kind is appreciated.
happy new year to all of us
i've heard krell integrated amp being matched with sonus faber speakers,eg concerto and they sounded good. i suppose you would get a better deal buying american made speakers.
good luck!
tell me about you're room and music tastes!!!
It helps to narrow things down a bit. If you're a hard rock fan, who likes to head bang, or Classical/instrumental/vocals buff, it makes a difference! well as whether your room is big, small, medium, etc.
I've sold the Krell integrated and Rega Planet over the years, and am very familiar. I've also sold/tried just about every conceivable kind/brand/model of speaker ever made as well! I've used/sold the following kinds of speakers on/with the Krell Integrated with various results: Thiel,Wilson,Maggies,Martin,Logan,Celestion,Kef,B&W,Vienna,Sonus F, However, my suggestions would depend greatly on the above mentioned variables in question.
I know the sound of the CD player and integrated very well. Tell me about what all you're dealing with, and perhaps I can be of some assistance. Thanks
Unfortunately, sir, you are building your system backwards.
Please try as many home auditions as possible, you might get lucky and find a great combo.
Avdcreations is right about learning your musical tastes and room dimensions.

Still, an excellent speaker with your gear would be a used pair of Vandersteen model 3's. The obstacle will be finding a pair priced at your stated budget. If you can stretch a few hundred dollars, this would give you excellent sound.