subwoofer comparision

I'm planning on buying a sub for HT but would like to get a would really like to get something positive out of it for music too. I guess what I'm trying to find is the best musical sub that will still do a great job in home theater.

I know all these subs are great, so I'd like to hear from people that have done head to head comparisions or have owned more than one of them. They will paired with Soliloquy 5.3 mains.

The players are:
Soliloquy S-10
Talon ROC
ACI Titan II
any SVS
any M&K
any REL
Paradigm servo-15

I believe the Soliloquy would be a good choice for music, but I'm afraid that would be a significant compromise for HT.
In my opinion, a good, properly set up subwoofer should be able to do both music and ht well. My ACI Titan II LE sure does and has all the required inputs and crossover options. Also a properly chosen Rel will serve about as well, but an equivalent Rel costs 2 - 3 times as much new in the U.S.A. as the Titan II LE. I have also been impressed by a friend's Vandersteen 2WQ for music, but placement is more critical than with a Titan II LE and the Rels that I've heard.
ctyler, for h-t, you can get away w/a sub that has a lot higher distortion levels, and one that may not go as low in frequency, but is boosted in level at, say, 50-100hz. these traits will not be conducive to the best performance in an audio system.

doug s.

just found out this weeekend that my dealer will let me have his maple finish Soliloquy S-10 demo for $800. That is very tempting. Any opinions on this?