I went from Maggies to Logan and went back to traditional speakers. The primary reason was the room was to small for the speakers and it was a pain in the a** setting them up every time. Way to finicking for my liking. I hated pulling the power chords around every time I moved the speakers. A good sized room is a must, although you can get away with a pair of Logan Aerius because of it's small foot print. I have a pair of KEF speakers that sound just as good as the Logans, but again, it was the room size and the placement that reduced the capabilities of these great electrostats. The Maggies sounded horrible no matter where I tried to put them. So if you have the room, electrostatics produce a great soundstage with lots of detail,especially the Logans. I have found that most of them lack in bass, so a good sub would be an advisable investment. Subs are great no matter what speakers you have!