Switched from Magneplanar Tympanni I to Ohm Walsh 4. Had the Tympanni for 10 years, then CD players came out and you could drive the base without the tubes arcing and the needle jumping.
I remember comparing them side by side. The Typanni played solo voice and solo instruments better and were more sensitive. The Ohms were better all around sound, good symphonic and rock. The Ohms had a better dispersion and were easier to place in the room, and fuller lower end. Now the Ohms are 18 years old but still perform well. I plan to update the Ohms with their 200 MK II conversion kit. I am not turned on by the conventional box speaker ($3000-12,000) I hear in the audio stores. However, I suspect that not much sounds good in audio stores and a home trial is best (if you don't need a folk lift.)
I remember comparing them side by side. The Typanni played solo voice and solo instruments better and were more sensitive. The Ohms were better all around sound, good symphonic and rock. The Ohms had a better dispersion and were easier to place in the room, and fuller lower end. Now the Ohms are 18 years old but still perform well. I plan to update the Ohms with their 200 MK II conversion kit. I am not turned on by the conventional box speaker ($3000-12,000) I hear in the audio stores. However, I suspect that not much sounds good in audio stores and a home trial is best (if you don't need a folk lift.)