Bookshelf/Monitor suggestions.

I'm looking for monitor suggestions where placement is to be 3 feet or closer to the wall. I recently heard Herbeths's P3's on a bookshelf in a used record store and was impressed. Looking to put together a small bedroom system. Have everything covered but the speakers. Any suggestions?
What price point? B&W DM303 are cheap and very nice, as well as the recently discontinued DM302
Joseph Audio RM7 signatures or Totem model 1 are both great choice. Also, you can usually find used for good prices and they have good resale values if you want to switch. The new line of inifinity intermezzo 2.6s are getting awesome reviews, in fact they are stereophile class A rated. Revel M20s are also very nice. If these are above your price range try looking at the Krix equinox - I think ~$600 new.
B&W LM1's mount on the wall and do a fine job for casual listening. A small sub would help them though. Totems are fine speakers, Model One or if you're on a budget Rokk's.
Suggest you avoid speakers with bass ports on their backsides if you want to place close to wall. Also suggest you audition B&W DM601S2.
I recommend Triangle monitors, they are cheap, outrageously detailed but not fatiguing (unless you feed them a fatiguing front end). My Cometes are great at all levels from mellow "nighty-night" sessions to neighbor-deafening DSOTM side 2 freakouts. They are front-ported so placement next to the wall is not a problem, mine are probably under 3'. Plus they are quite efficient. Just my 0.02, good luck and happy listening!