Vienna Acoustics vs Revel Studios?

Three years ago, I invested in a system that has given me many hours of listening pleasure. I have Vienna Acoustics Beethoven speakers, a SimAudio I-5 integrated, and an Ultech CD player. At that time, that was about as much as my budget would allow, and I have never regretted buying any part of this system. The only "problem" I am having is that the system lacks "rock out' power. It is perfect for moderate listening, but will occasionally clip or become slightly shrill or unfocused when "cranked."

So now, of course, I'm pondering all kinds of potential remedies. I could simply use the I-5 as a pre-amp and add something like a Bryston 7B ST for extra volume. I could sell the I-5 and go for separates, maybe even try out some tubes, such as the Sonic Frontiers Power 3 set-up (although I have heard that tubes are not necessarily a good match for the 'warm' Vienna speakers). Or I could sell the system and try out the Revel Studios (I think the Salons are probably too big for my living room) with some combination of the above to drive them.

I am not a true audiophile, in the sense that I know an awful lot about this stuff, but I do know that I enjoy good music played on a good system. I don't mind paying for top notch equipment, within reason, but I don't want to fork over 10-12K when a modest adjustment in my current set-up would be almost as good.

So, I appeal to all of you true audiphiles for advice. Please show me the way. Would the Revels be a big step up from the Viennas? Would separates be much better than adding an amp, while using the I-5 as a pre-amp? Any suggestions on possible matches?

I realize the answers are, to some degree, subjective. But I am interested in your feedback and experiences.

Many thanks.
Hi Chris, If you stick to what Sc53 (especially the first post) is saying, you are going to be a very happy music lover. I do not have the experience with the Beethovens as Sc53, but I would certainly listen to what Sc53 is saying. The Revel may be a good speaker, maybe even a great speaker, but that ain't the way Iv'e heard em.
BTW, I really enjoy all your posts Sc53.
Thanks for the help, everyone. Here's what I've done so far in my system makeover: kept the Beethovens, bought a First Sound Presence Deluxe pre-amp and a pair of Bel Canto EVO 200.2 amps to mono block. ICs will be Homegrown silver lace. Still must determine speaker cable (leaning toward Coincident) and a CDP (leaning toward EMC1 w/24/192 upgrade, or Audio Aero Capitole, especially if I can get one for less than $6K, or possibly an EVS Millenium DACII with a Theta Pearl transport).

If anyone has a similar system and strong feelings about the "right" CDP for it, I'd appreciate extending the thread for another stitch or two. Obviously, I'm an impressionable young man.

In any case, I am grateful for your suggestions, stuck as I am here in the hinterlands.

Doggone it, audio people are the best darn people there is!
Waltersalas, you area an audiophile of action. We love that about you! Damn the torpedoes, Go with the Capitole. Your system is so good it will only reveal the flaws of anything less.

Sincerely, I remain
Oh, Clueless, bless you, sir! Indeed, I have already contacted the only Capitole dealer listed in the A'Gon search engine, only to be informed that the Capitole is on 'severe back order.' On the other hand, there would appear to be a few decent deals on the EMC1 24/192 floating about.

Question: As a man of action, can I really stand the wait for the Capitole, and for twice the price?

Methinks not.

Of course, if I get the EMC1 and don't like it, or see a deal on the Capitole later, I can always drop back and punt, can't I? Isn't that what audiophiles are supposed to do?

In the meantime, I've got to attend to those dedicated circuits and power cords.

What time is it...oh, man...

I think I'm in love.

God bless you both! Two guys who are having fun instead of telling others to shut up. Refreshing!