Best budget floorstander match: HELP MEEEEE .....

I'm looking for nice budget floorstanders to match with my NAD C541 CD & C370 integrated. I currently use Straightwire Chorus IC and Qed Silver Anniversary speaker cables.
I listen mainly to modern jazz, rock (pop and louder) and electronic music (no HT use here). My room is 16'x16'x9' with hardwood floor, a lot of large windows, no carpet but two couches.

I read reviews and heard some of these speakers but was unable to make comparative audition.
Any recommendations ?

Tannoy Mx3 (Mx4 if I can afford them)
PSB Image 4T (5T if I can afford them)
Monitor Audio Bronze 3

Thank you
If you like to rock-em and loud, then a pair of B&W DM603S2 will do the trick. They are also a good match for your level of equipment. See hifi-choice comments at:
check out the AAD c-800 and the Phase tech 11.5 on our showcase on audiogon or at --
and --

we are running the phase tech 11.5 in our showroom with a NAD 350 -- and a granite audio 650 cd player -- they sound wonderful

they are both superb speakers ...any questions feel free to get in touch

good listening
Wharfedale Diamond 8.3 or Pacific 20 will outperform the Bronze 3 in the bass area, and offer the seeest midrange of any of the other contenders. ANother Option is ANgstrom Omega 26 or 28 (Canadian) and walk all over the PSB/Paradigm product.