Dahlquist evolution & Matching

I am interested in the history (dates etc) of the Dahlquist line from DQ-10 through DQ-30i. I ahve both D-20's and DQ-30i's and want to understand the history both technical and business.

Also, I am trying to use DQ-30i in a home entertainment system. So far the best match/compliment I have found for the center and surrounds are Monitor audio (Gold Center).I bought and returned a Regnar (sounded muddled to me). Any other suggestions?

A final point: I have listened and listened to other speakers and still find the Dahlquist to be superior up to my price limit (about $6 K for a new pair). I am sure many will think I am nuts or hard of hearing (which I am sligtly).
I did not have the chance to hear the DQ-20 or DQ-30, but lived with the DQ-10 for several years. Don't want to get off track of the questions you have asked, but you might want to go to the Acarian Alon site. This is the company that has gone the route of where Dahlquist might have gone. To many, the line of Alon speakers over the last 10+ years are the right choice for fans of early Dahlquists. If you go to their site, click on the reviews..and you will read about the family ties between the early Dahlquists and Alon. For what it's worth, some of their speakers have been TAS Golden Ear Award winners.

Best of luck.

I own a pair of DQ-10 's and am the origional owner ...

I use them in my basement system now -- and accually do about 70% of my listening there ,, I am now driving them with a pair of Carver Silver 9 mono blocks and a Granite Audio #657 tube cd player ... its awesome !!!still great sounding speakers !!!!

anyway -- I am using Phoenix Gold/Carver Pro ZpM-4 speaker Cable and it is the best match for the Dahlquist speakers ....

check out the speaker cable on our showroom on audiogon ...

and for info -- parts , service and anything about Dahlquist -- go to http://www.regnar.com/

good listening
I bought a pair of DQ-10s back in 1979-80. At about that time, Dahlquist introduced a mod to mirror-image the drivers. Many DQ-10 owners did this themselves, as it was quite simple. A truly classic speaker!