Odd shaped speakers

How can a speaker shaped like a ham be taken seriously? How about one that looks like a giant version of the horn usually associated with Nipper? Or the ones with so many modules and a rack type thing you wonder how the sound can be integrated when the sources it comes from are so disparate? Am I the only one who is satisfied with boxes properly finished or what?
I'm thinking of a full range folded horn design in the shape of the Edvard Munch "Scream" with a Lowther driver in the mouth and the the horn mouth emerging from the arse.

This should afford some technical challenges while addressing both audiophilogical and metaphysical issues.

Advance orders, anyone?
Good Bishop, have you any idea the difficulty with the crossover!?! I say run it closer to the arse than the mouth! And Lowther doesn't make a driver for the mouth!!!

Sincerely, I remain
Oh, I dunno. A one-tube active design--I can think of the perfect place for the tube--couple of inductors just below and behind the tube....what's the problem?

As I'm down here in Orlando, we can call it the Mouth of the South. Or, instead of Altec's Voice of the Theatre, we can have the Arse of the Theatre.

No remarks about splattery sound, though. Nor do I want to hear anything about audible flow turdulence....I mean turbulence.

I'll go now before the moderators get on my case.