Best match electrostats for Jadis JA-30

I would like to switch from B&W 801's S3 to a electrostats. It is also part of my theater but 2CH is the main objective. What would match the JA-30's that would out
perform the 801's? Do not want a big foot print speaker, the smaller the better. Height is not a problem. Thanks for your input.
My first reaction would be to recommend a pair of Original Quads, perhaps rebuilt by the Electrostatic Doctor with lighter panels and separate power supplies for the bass and treble sections. Given the "small footprint" criterion, though, hybrids come to mind.

You might consider the InnerSound Eros with InnerSound's amp driving the bass, and the Jadis on the panels (assuming Roger Sanders gives it a thumbs-up). If you want the Jadis to drive the whole shebang, then I suggest the Sound Lab Dynastats, which (unlike the full range Sound Labs) are fairly efficient (about 88 dB) and a rather easy load to drive, especially for an electrostat. I have a fair amount of experience with the Dynastats, having owned them and being a dealer, so I could help you out with set-up tips and a few tweaks. I don't think the little Jadis is beefy enough for the Quad 63/988/989 type.

I'm afraid your lovely little Jadis doesn't offer you a whole lot of options when it comes to driving electrostats. Nor would it work well driving a full-range ribbon or planar magnetic speaker.

How about the Kithara, from Heil? It uses a modern incarnation of the famous Heil driver from 700 Hz up and has a reasonably small footprint. It's a 4 ohm load, but it's 94 dB efficient, so your Jadis ought to drive it quite well. The bass is a little on the fat side (or so it seemed in the room I heard it in), and it does like plenty of breathing room around it. But at four grand retail, it has few rivals. In fact, it has few rivals even at twice the price. Nope, I don't sell 'em.

Just my $.02.
Thanks for all the input from everyone. There had to be some compromise in dynamics that the 801's produced. I have decided on the Quad 63 USA Monitors with the Arcici stands. I will start the resistor & capacitor tweeks on them soon. My interconnects are Straight Wire Crecendo and my speaker wires are Sonora Desert Cable. I am satisfied with the interconnects, but I'm not sure if the speaker wires are the right match for the Quads. Has anyone experienced the right speaker cable for them? Thanks in advance.
Tateb, the speaker wire, which you can buy through Roger Sanders ( are very nice for Quads and they don't cost a packet. As for the tweaks you've mentioned, please take the Quads off the line current 24 hours or so before. (You could also shunt the transformers to ground, if you know the right points) They store power for a long time and touching them can be deadly. I've used two Solen caps at 100nf each for the mod and placed them outside the speaker, next to the binding posts, glueing them securely down, to prevent vibration. The resistor is a 1.5 ohm, which I soldered inside. The result was very nice, slightly more open midrange and a tad sweeter highs. The parts quality Quad uses is quite shocking, considering that the signal goes right through the cap and resistor, straight from the amp. Cheers,