How do Newforms sound?

I'll appreciate info from anyone regarding the sound of Newform speakers, particularly the 645.

PLEASE no meaningless characterizations like "they suck" or "you'll love them." Just a nice subjective appraisal, be it favorable or unfavorable.

Thanks in advance for your help.

The Bish
Hey Patmatt: Sorry to see you lump Newforms with other ribbons and electrostats. After 10+ years with both, I don't find your truth to be mine. But that's hi-fi.
I'm grateful for the input; please keep it coming. I'm not much given to relying on opinions from owners' groups--they have a vested interest in liking what they bought. And the opinions offered on sites like audioreview often lack weight and expertise.

I'm not a fanatic for pinpoint imaging. I don't hear that in the concert hall and I don't need to hear it at home. My concern is for absolute crystal clarity and lucidity in the midrange. I don't have to know precisely where the second desk violins are sitting but I absolutely have to know what sound they are making. I don't need to be able to spot the stool the guitarist is sitting on within 10cm but I do need to hear every overtone off the E string.

The issue at hand is only Newforms so please let's not get off into a wrangle about Maggies and Quads and MLs and the virtues of estats versus dynamics. All worthy topics but I need expert advice.
Go out and listen; Take a 30day trial.And quit telling people "what" you want to hear in their replys.If you ask-- you gotta take what they give you. Speakers sound different with different amps etc.
What a stupid post:

"I'm not much given to relying on opinions from owners' groups--they have a vested interest in liking what they bought."

I own 645's and my experience is just the opposite of Travis'.

They are one of the best speakers I have ever heard at any price, and I can assure you, I can afford whatever I want. I wouldn't possibly keep these speakers if they weren't great and your attitude toward the Yahoo group is condescending. There are many audiophiles there who own a lot of high-end equipment. Maybe you should hang out there a while and make your mind up based on experience rather than pre-conceived notions.
Pull your throttle back a little, Fiddler.

I'm sure we are all pleased to learn of your affluence but that is beside the point.

It is a simple fact of life that people either like what they buy or they get rid of it. Thus, most people who post to specialty groups already like their gear. I'm interested in hearing from people who have no such vested interest.

In contrast to your gratuitously nasty post, several members of the Yahoo Newform group have written privately to me. They have been extremely helpful, though none of them has been impartial, all being deeply committed to their speakers of choice.

You could learn from their courtesty and helpfulness.