Nuetrality be Damned...

I am looking for a WARM and MUSICAL speaker, that is more emotive than analytical. I want to be drawn into the music. If the speaker is capable of creating warmth, but is still considered a "hi-fi" speaker, I would very much like to know about it...Please Help. Some of the speakers that I have heard that might fit this bill are: Voce Divina, Swans, JM Reynaud, JM Labs...
You have to listen to Vienna Acoustics, any model. I will guarantee that even if you don't buy them they will be one of the finalist on your list,
Nuetrality be damned, I am sorry, but i don't understand what you mean. Is nuetrality something not wanted? Maybe something else in your system is the problem. I don't understand how nuetrality can be damned. kind of like a beautiful woman be damned. Dosen't make since to this this ignorant ol' boy. Damn that nuetrality, who could possibly want nuetrality in their system. Nuetrality IMO, is such a stupid word to describe music. I always walk away after listening to a concert muttering to myself how neutral that concert sounded. Yea babeeeee, wasn't that a neutrual sounding band? No wonder I can't keep a girlfriend. BTW, I am completely neutrual in all things.
Can something be more nuetrual than nuetrual?
A lot of what passes these days as "neutral" is actually mean 'n lean IMHO...I have never left a concert that sounded like "neutral" speakers...Try:
Spendors (any of the Classic Series esp 2/3, 1/2, SP100)
Vandersteen (esp 3A) Solid citizen.
Pro Ac (2.5 ESP. sounds detailed yet still inviting)
Small speakers:
LS3/5 (used) or Spendor 3/5 (a little miracle)
Or for Classic old-time ultimate warmth:
Quad 57 midrange ahhhhhh especially on smaller scale stuff
Old Spendors (esp BC1) they must have had a pair of Quad's in the back room for reference...
Tannoy 15 in Gold (esp GRF cabs) King of voluptuous warm large sound...efficient only need 10 watts or so Classical Orchestral sound to drool over.
As y'all know, there's a school of thought that contends that the key to audio satisfaction is the selection of equipment that introduces the kind of distortion that the buyer finds agreeable.
NESTOROVIC LABS makes one of the most musical speakers in the industry. Give them a listen