Thiel 1.6 vs Proac 1.5

It's down to these 2. I have a McCormack DNA 0.5 power amp, and ARCAM CD player, and a passive control preamp. I like alternative rock, classical and old jazz. Priorities are maximum information, musicality and realism with minimum fatigue, so I'll probably have to strike a balance.

Same question here, except Thiel 1.5, Proac 1.5, and Soliloquy 5.3. They will be driven by an as yet undetermined integrated such as Rogue or Plinius.
Hmmm, "maximum information" and "minimum listening fatigue" are a tough combination to ask for, at least at this price level. Given that the rest of your system tends toward the analytical already, I would probably avoid the Thiels, they will eventually drive you out of the room. Proac is a better match, and IMO just plain more musical (whatever that means...). For the other post, if considering the Rogue, the Thiels might be a good match.
well the MCormak can be a little on the lean and agressive side(no offense) so you want to get a speaker that is very smooth in tonal quality. Proacs is the way to go by far. good luck
"Maximum information?" Theil.
Maximum fatigue? Theil, in my humble opinion.

"Minimum Fatigue"? Proac.
Maximum satisfaction? Proac.
I had an opportunity to listen to the new 1.6s driven by a McIntosh MC2102 amp the other day. The sound was anything but fatiguing. My initial thoughts were that the new 1.6 is a departure from the stereotype Thiel sound. More open and musical midrange, less emphasis on detail, and a sweeter, less sharp treble. I'm sure the Mac contributed to this impression, however I thought the MC2102 was actually to relaxed, and a bit opaque sounding with the new 1.6.