Best Kept Speaker Secret?

OK all you speaker experts out there here goes. There are always "sleepers" or "exceptions to every rule or cost" in high end audio equipment. In your opinion what is the best kept secret or exception to the cost for the very best speaker you can buy for $4000 or less (Used). Your feedback will be greatly appreciated toward building my short list. Thank you.
tweekerman-that's this week last week it was martin logan, let us know what you think in a few more weeks.
Hey Tireguy at least give me credit for trying. Instead of joking about my sincere interest lets hear your best kept secret speaker, if there is such a thing. I heard ML's on a friends conrad johnson 6 yr. old monos, MAN!! do they drink the juice. On the krell 300 they sounded better. Alcoholics them ML's! Not for my little amp. But like i say by wensday or thursday i'll know about this Cabasse and will let you know if it is THE best kept... OR BETTER kept secret. I scratched the VMPS because it possible is a good kept secret but can't say BEST.
I don't have any best kept secrets, I like to stick with the major names but if I had to pick one I would say the Piega line in particular the P10(more then 4k though) not many are famaliar with them but those who are know what I am talking about, one of the few lines I would ever think of replacing my avalons with(kharma's being one of the other brands I would consider though they are more well known)
Hey Tireguy i'm just the opposite i go for the "esoteric" if there is such a thing. Maybe Jadis qualifies as a secret which is why i got the little Orchestra as a start. I've gone "major brands", recently NAD Rotel B&W ,you can't get more brand popular than that. Never again not at any price. Not with Audiogon around and threads like this one.