Need help with a pair of small speakers

I need recommendations for a pair of small standmounts for my guest bedroom. The room is only 10x12x8 and the speakers will have to be virtually flat against the wall. Will be used mostly for vocals, soft jazz, and choral music at low to moderate levels. My particular concern is for accuracy, resolution, microdynamics. Need to keep the cost under $2K. Harbeths have been highly recommended. Other possibilities? Thanks in advance.
Harbeth or spendor ls3/5 (or any used ls3/5). It's a sealed design and works very well set close against the rear wall. I have no experience with other Harbeths, but they are supposedly very good. The proximity to the rear wall will really narrow your options.
BBC ls3/5a's by Harbeth or whoever would probably work ok. Another possibility is the same sized Spendor S3/5. The same sized and sealed Harbeth HLP3ES might be a better speaker than those just mentioned, and its bass response and even soundstaging and imaging would be ok close to the wall, but it could be somewhat bright if too close to sidewalls and ceiling. The larger front ported Harbeth Monitor 30 is out of your price range and would also be somewhat bright in a small room. The front ported Harbeth Compact 7ES is closer to your price range, but I would worry about boominess because it has nicely extended bass in free space. Maybe if you had them up on really high stands, then of course you have a potential ceiling reflection problem. Maybe Charlie (danvetc), who has his Compact 7's in a small room, will chime in here. I don't know how close to the wall his are.

What I think you need is a sealed or front ported speaker with rolled off bass and rolled off top end. The Harbeths are extended top and bottom. The little Spendors may be a better fit.

Maybe the little Epos (M12? M15? - the model names have changed from ES11 or ES12).
Good Bishop: Have Dave Ellis build you a pair of his 1801s. Check them out at

Excellant stuff at half the price. You can even audition it inhouse for the price of shipping.

Are you familiar with Hiquphon tweeters? Very nice stuff that you will not see retail in the 2k price range.

Worth a look anyway.


Sincerely, I remain