Virgo user need advice for matching subwoofer?

hi, there,

finally, i got my Virgo,and I do like it. now, I am thinking buying a subwoofer. any opinion?
AP offer Luna and Rhea, any difference b/w them.
thanks folks.

Well the most recommended subs for music certainly are the various RELs and the ACI Titan II LE. ACI has also added a new one called The Force which looks quite interesting to me for size/price/performance/flexibility. ACI continues to be my pick for subs unless one can afford the Aerial which is a superb piece.
I had Virgo's and the obvious choice was the Rhea. World class sub, designed to integrate with the Audio Physics product line, especially the Virgos. And you can find them on AudioGon reasonably priced :-)
Check out Fremmers review on Stereophile a few years back on the rhea. it's going to be a great seamless match with your speakers...I've owned the combo before...