Virgo user need advice for matching subwoofer?

hi, there,

finally, i got my Virgo,and I do like it. now, I am thinking buying a subwoofer. any opinion?
AP offer Luna and Rhea, any difference b/w them.
thanks folks.

I have owned the REL storm and have two audio physics lunas. The REL is a fine sub but the Luna is much better. I haven't heard the Rhea but I am sure it is another step up. I got the Luna's because I wanted stereo subs and cost wise and size wise the Luna's made more sense. Mine are not matched to Audio Physics speakers. I am using them with Lamhorns and REP drivers. With Audio Physics speakers I think it would be a no brainer to use the Luna or Rhea.
I have seen the light ! The new King of subs the REL killer. Art of Sound makes the best, fastest most pitch accurate bass I have ever heard. Check out
thank folks, for all your decentinputs. as a virgo owner, it is sensible to buy a AP sub, have you heard Minos from
Audio Physic? I have told that they are great match, and better than Rhea?

thank again.