Avalon: Eidolon vs Opus vs Opus Ceramique

Anyone care to comment on the differences among these three models, particularly the new Opus Ceramique and how its performance compares to the other two outside of the obvious differences in bass response. Please confine your comments to the standard model Eidolon and not the Eidolon Diamond.
cfb - you must have some SERIOUS issues to post a moronic flame like the one above. if i actually cared enough about you or what you think, i'd post the serial numbers of my arcus to prove that you're an idiot.

on second thought, F&*% it.

serial #7498-7499

please call the factory to confirm...then get yourself a life.
Just an aside. Once Cornfedboy flamed me in a post - out of context, out of nowwhere, etc. - so I sent him an e-mail providing my home phone number and asked him to call me and tell me what he meant. He never did. Par for the course, I'd say. while I don't think its healthy to let discussions denigrate into pettiness, it is equally clear that blanket appeasement should not be an option with such "contributions."
I still think there is a house sound to Avalon. Their 3D
imaging is absolutely stunning. The cabinetry and parts quality is first rate, some of the best. I find the drawbacks are the pricing though I think you can get them at some sort of discount now, the room placement is extremely
critical, they can made to sound like Cerwin Vegas if you
do not place them correctly, and to get the best out of them
you need superior electronics. Kelly flamed me once about
the Eidolons. The first time I heard them, they were awful
the Cerwin Vega effect. I said so in an audiogon thread. Kelly flamed me bad. I listened a second time at a different store, there they were set up properly. They were glorious in their holographic sound. I then praised them. Kelly and I now have a truce. Kelly will defend Avalon to the death, that is his audiogon right. DON'T BITCH, DEFEND YOURSELF,
that is YOUR RIGHT.
Hard for me to imagine any Avalon product described as sounding like Cerwin Vega. Imaging problems can be due to any number of factors. Any full range speaker (of which I certainly believe the Eidolon to be) will be more critical of room placement and associated equipment than those with limited bass extension. Also, the Eidolon requires significantly more break-in than the 300 hours discussed in the owner's manual. You can hear the difference between 1,000 and 500 hours easily. IMO this is the single largest reason for sub-optimal demonstrations of Avalon products (in particular the Eidolon and Opus).
Kelly has the right to defend Avalon. Kelly does NOT have the right to call others liars when they say they own the speakers but don't agree with his every opinion. I thought the idea of a moderated forum was to keep this kind of crap off the internet - why is Kelly allowed to continue?