What has blown my tweeter????

I turned on my system this afternoon and noticed to my major dismay that the tweeter on one of my speakers, (JMLab Megane Carat), has totally disappeared! I always listen at
reasonable volumes, (between 7 and 15, out of 60, on the Classe Cap 101 Led), and I listen primarily to classical and jazz.

Does anyone have an idea as to why the tweeter would get up and disappear like this? What normaly causes tweeters to blow?

Thanks for any and all help.
Thanks for the humorous replies. My use of hyperbole was perhaps a little confused... The tweeter is still physically in the speaker, it just doesn't emit any sound. I did notice however that on the day previous to the tweeter malfunction there was a high pitched sound when I turned the volume on the Cap 101 up without any source input. When I reached 30 on the Led, the right speaker (the blown one), made a strange crackling sound... It was not immediately broken though.

Might this be due to static? Something wrong with the Cap 101?
Digitaltwist, your first step should be to remove the tweeter from the cabinet, and make sure it is still connected. Your solution may involve nothing more than a quick reconnect with the soldering iron, etc.

If the tweeter is connected, ensure that the wiring from the tweeter back is OK. Make sure that all appears fine through the crossover.

Next is to connect the tweeter to a speaker cable, via wires/alligator clips. This is the last thing to try, and will absolutely tell you if the tweeter is gone. Of course, make sure to be very judicious with the volume, as you wouldn't want to blow the tweeter now.

If nothing comes of this, you will need to purchase a replacement.

Good luck!
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