So how many people are using subwoofers

with full range floorstanders? I need just a little more bass weight out of my system and have vascilated between REL subwoofer or upgrading my amp from Conrad Johnson MF-2200 to an MF-2500. 60-70% of the music doesn't need a sub,but that other 30% keeps me off balance. Is the amp upgrade going to give me more bass weight (along with other benefits) or should I just go for the sub? I think I know the answer but would like to hear other opinions.
existing system=
CJ PFR pre
CJ MF-2200 amp
Theta Miles cdp
Silverline Sonata speakers
Homegrown silver lace ic's
MIT-2 bi-wire
I love my sub,it's addictive. If you crave bass athority get the sub, or better yet get two!
I would go for the amp change, but not necessarily with a higher powered version of the same solid state amp. Consider an OTL (the Joule sounds great with your speakers) or maybe Rogue monoblocks. My main speakers go down to 35hz and while I could always use more extension the bass output is more than satisfactory.

Since you specifically mentioned "bass weight" and not bass extension (the Sonatas go low enough) the sub may cause more problems. I've never heard a system with subs that sounded seamless, unless it was designed that way (Pipedreams and Airfoil come to mind, but they use multiple subs). Full range speakers are usually the desingers final statement and simply adding a sub is not that easy especially if the main speakers are ported.
I run dual Rel Stentors. You would be suprised on how much it will add to music. It will be fuller and smoother with better imaging and seperation.
I recommend changing the cabling while your at it. I use Mit Reference in my system. I noticed more bass from the minute I upgraded. When you use MIT It is recommended through out the whole system. IMO their quality cables don't even start until you get to the 750 line minimum.