Aerial 10T Owners and Anyone that can help

Here is my deal and gear:


Theta Casablanca
EAD TheaterVision CD/DVD
Citation 7.1's (3)
Aerial 10T's

Now, the deal:

I have the 7.1 bridged into 2 channels, 450 x 2 @8ohms, very high current, 70 amperes. My gain is set to 0 on the Theta and using Madonna cd for pushing limits or the gear.
First, at excruciatingly loud volumes, the music will start to cut in and out. When I turn it down, it is fine. So, I am thinking it is the amp. I finally switched amps, to a Marantz MA-24 (30WPC CLASS A) and the same thing happens.

Here is my GUESS (guess being the key word here):

The Aerial 10T's have some type of cut off from the power amps to prevent damage to the drivers. Is it possible too much juice or distortion? What would cause the speakers (assuming this is the culprit of shutdown) to do this?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
In most preamps 0db is wide open. It is your amp that is shutting down. If you continue to overdrive the amp, you will damage it or your speakers. When you bridge your amp, in most instances you are not as able to deliver as much current. You may be doubling or quadrupling it's power but the power supply is still the same size. Believe me, you can not have too much power.
Thanks Rwwear -

What does it mean if the Marantz MA-24 is doing the same thing at close to the same levels? Larger amp?

You want to hear the 10t's sing? I've had all the so called big power hitter amps on mine, up to and including the Classe M-1000 monoblocks. What's there now?..........
Levinson 33H. Best I've heard, 33's would probably be even better, however the 33H were FAR superior to the Classe's 1000W at 8 ohm output. Remember, Levinson claims 150W at 8 ohm for 33H, IMHO, much more.
