Aerial 10T Owners and Anyone that can help

Here is my deal and gear:


Theta Casablanca
EAD TheaterVision CD/DVD
Citation 7.1's (3)
Aerial 10T's

Now, the deal:

I have the 7.1 bridged into 2 channels, 450 x 2 @8ohms, very high current, 70 amperes. My gain is set to 0 on the Theta and using Madonna cd for pushing limits or the gear.
First, at excruciatingly loud volumes, the music will start to cut in and out. When I turn it down, it is fine. So, I am thinking it is the amp. I finally switched amps, to a Marantz MA-24 (30WPC CLASS A) and the same thing happens.

Here is my GUESS (guess being the key word here):

The Aerial 10T's have some type of cut off from the power amps to prevent damage to the drivers. Is it possible too much juice or distortion? What would cause the speakers (assuming this is the culprit of shutdown) to do this?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
I made a mistake, at 4 ohms, it is 47WPC into Class "A".
I assume this means it is much higher into another class?
How does this work?

I cannot imagine why anyone would want to listen to Madonna at excrutiatingly loud volume, but to each his own. You are asking much more of your amps than they are able to deliver. The amps when clipping are producing a square wave, which the amps can live with, but you run the risk of blowing one or more of your 10T's drivers. No, there is no such circuit in the Aerials that would cause such a sound, just the sound of the amps clipping. The 10Ts are capable of very loud and dynamic volume if you want to do that to your ears, but you need to consider much better amps. Big Classe amps bridged mono would serve you well at a reasonable price. Take care of your ears though. Those you cannot replace!
Call Michael Kelly at Aerial and he will review the specifications of the associated equiptment and tell you if there is a mismatch .
Simple, your amps are clipping. Your amps do not have enough high current for the very low efficient 4ohm 10Ts. You are going to damage the speakers and amp by forcing it to do what it can not do. Simple, like the others are telling you. Get some high current muscle amps behind the 10Ts and let Madonna rip. OOch I own the 10Ts and use a Classe ca300. I would say that this is the starting point for the 10Ts. Your Citations do not even double down fully at a 4ohm load. The 10T is dipping around 3ohms. You need a bigger higher current amp. Call Michael at Aerial, nice man, he will help ya.
Dan, I own the Aerial 8's and drive them with two CA-150's in mono and am very pleased. I have friends with the tubes and they consider the difference in using the two amps makes a substantial improvement. Naturally, I agree and feel the power and warmth of the sound is excellent. I also believe that the cables are very important. Also, call Mike Kelly and he will be very helpful.