Standing waves

I think I have a serious problem with standing waves. Is there anything simple I can do to help this? My listening room is big, its my living room that opens up to my kitchen, the whole area is probably about 50 x 15. I have the speakers on the short wall about 6 feet apart and about 1 foot from the wall, The floors are concrete covered with ceramic tile, and a large throw rug over that covering abuot 75% of the floor. Thanks! Oh, I am using ATC active 50s...
Amwarwick: Check a thread entitled "Near field listening and speaker placement" In the various posts of this thread are references to several useful websites which address exactly the question you have asked
One foot from the wall??? Say it isn't so. I assume since your room is 15' wide you mean the ATCs are 1 foot from the front wall. If you can I'd say get them at least 2 or 3 feet from the front wall and toe the speakers in a bit. A pair of Mana stands may also help. Also, make sure your listening chair is at least a couple feet from the back wall, as that will also reinforce bass at the listening position.

If all else fails, TacT room correction will certainly take care of the problem, and many others as well. Best of luck.
