looking for inexpensive speaker spikes?

I have an M&K sub with 1/4" x 20 thread holes for spiked feet. Can someone point me in a direction to find some new isolation feet / spikes in the $50-60 range?
The sub is sitting on carpet.
check out parts express


great looking set of 4 for $20.

best of luck, and happy listening,
May Audio Marketing has nice sets of BBC MK 2 cones that are threaded & also have locking rings. These sets come with protection discs & also have flat-top pieces that couple to the threaded bolt. The sets when assembled make into a standard cone, but it is still adjustable. The price is right in your ballpark.
Tried a number of different spikes under my Vandersteen 3a's.The best by far were the large Polycrystals, which you can get from the Cable Company.
I have the M&K V-1250 sub on a carpet and have it on the
large Polycrystals which I found used on Audiogon. Works
great! Inexpensive.