What speakers for an old Nakamichi receiver

My daughter is into audio appreciation and, just starting, the early stages of audiophilia. She is ready for new speakers after bearing with budget-driven JBLs and old Genesis for several years. The electronic driver is one of the Nakamichi receivers of over a decade or more ago, with the Stasis circuitry somehow licensed from Nelson Pass/Threshold at the time. The power of that receiver is small, I think about 35 watts, but the sound is clean. She has easy access to dealers with B & W speakers and perhaps others, and her budget would be around a list price of $1200. While my own system is an audiophile system, I do not have the chance to listen to the zillions of new-generation speakers and models which are in the market. Any help would be appreciated.
I agree that $1200 speakers would be overkill. They may also be revealing, and show the shortcomings of the receiver. She really could put together a nice small system for $1200. What CD player does she have?

Whether or not she wants to keep the receiver for now, or put together a nice small $1200 system; for only $300 she could get a new pair of B&W DM303; which would sound great in comparison with what she's got. They are also efficient, so 35 watts will be fine. They are the European loudspeaker of the year. The DM302 they replaced was a Stereophile Editor's Choice award winner.

She can spend some of the rest of the money on lots of music and some decent speaker cables to go with the DM303s. Then save up the rest for a better amp later. Those inexpensive B&Ws will really shine with better amplification.

Just bring her old speakers with you to the dealer for comparison. Audition the new DM601-S3 and DM602-S3 while you are there.

Some of the older Genesis speakers can sound amazingly good with the right equipment driving them. Obviously, this would depend on what you wanted to get out of them ( volume levels, bass extension, positioning, etc... ) and which model they were. Given my experience with a few of those "old timers" with their classic "inverted dome" design, i would say that they are probably better than what the receiver is capable of feeding them. Sean
Greetings Jdh9,

I had a customer with a Nakamichi/Pass amplifier, and it went up in smoke when hooked up to a new, moderately difficult pair of loudspeakers. The problem was not with Nelson Pass's design, but with the fact that Nakamichi skimped on the output transistors and didn't use the ones Nelson specified. The customer wasn't playing the amp loud - it simply went into ultrasonic oscillation and grenaded, fortunately without killing the tweeters.

Anyway, if she does go with new speakers for that receiver, make sure they're a nice, easy 8-ohm load.

My personal recommendation would be along the lines of what Jvia suggested. Specifically, I'd suggest Magnepan's little MMG's and an integrated amp (perhaps keep the Nakamichi if the tuner section is worthwhile).

The baby Maggies are true entry-level high-end. They offer something absolutely unique in their price range: totally freedom from boxy colorations. In my experience women tend to like Maggies because they don't sound like speakers, whereas us guys often get distracted by how big the woofers are or how many watts or how loud or how deep, and we lose sight of what really matters. I'm not a Maggie dealer, just a sincere fan.

The baby Maggies are available mail order only for $550, and you have 60 days to return them for a full refund if you don't like them (or if you decide to put the money towards a bigger pair). I really think they absolutely rule their price range. Their only rivals are used MG-12's, which are indeed considerably better, but don't come with 60-day return privileges.

The main drawback of the MMG's is they don't play terribly loud and don't go real deep in the bass. But their bass pitch definition is superb, and you can get quite good bass extension from them by moving your listening position up against the rear wall.

For amplification, I suggest an Arcam or JoLida integrated amp (I sell the latter). Like the baby Maggies, the JoLida stuff is entry-level high end (hybid amps and tube amps within your daughter's price range even after buying the MMG's).

Best of luck to you and especially to your daugher. Far too few females grace our ranks, so I certainly hope that she is well treated by whoever she deals with.

As a point of reference and something to consider, I put together a system for my son (12) and daughter (10) as follows:

Son (used components, total cost $600):

Pioneer PD M650 6-disc CD player

Carver HR752 receiver (remote)

NAD 6050C tape deck

B&W DM302 speakers, wall-mounted swivel speaker supports

(3) Classe Audio interconnect

Audiophile Reference 10-gauge speaker cable (5' runs)

Daughter's system (used components, total cost $685)

Proton 930 Receiver

NAD 513 3-Disc CDP (remote control)

B&W DM303 speakers, wall mounted swivel speaker supports

Target TT2 2-shelf wall mounted stand

Cambridge Audio Arctic Interconnect

Intensifier High Performance 14-gauge speaker wire (5' runs)

These systems sound pretty damned good and would be tough to beat in their range. Every birthday and Christmas I give them gift certificates to buy music..as a side note, man some of the crap they call music? Scary. I'm not sure my kids will need a better system until they're adults and follow in their dad's footsteps, throwing endless money at music and and music play-back systems.
Great response followed mine, far better, really. The Maggies or the B&W would shine and allow for growth, and save a bunch of money, and Sean is right about the older Genesis, some of those are very good loudspeakers, even by todays standards. I would take them if you are culling them, as they have something of a deserved classic status, my opinion. And the the Duke throwing in with the Jolida idea, and you still have just barely spent 1200, and MMG's and Jolida, that would have to be pretty good sound for the money.