What's the best mid-range driver available?

I'm thinking of trying the DIY route for a pair of full-range speakers. In your opinion, what is the BEST mid-range driver available and the best place to buy it?
Thanks for all your comments for the tweeter!
Thanks and happy listening!
Yes the Skaanings are very nice. The Danish DIYer , Mogens Anderson has a 3 way Skaaning + ATC + Scan-Speak. He had Skaan build a 5 inch with specs of his choice. The only thing he would change is the tweet to a Hiqulaphon. Take a look. http://home13.inet.tele.dk/meil/
I believe Solen in Canada sells ATC (www.solen.ca) just for reference. What I don't get with the R-3's though, is I could swear I've seen design/kits using and R-3, but then crossed to an R-2 or R-1 to finish on up to 20khz ?????(Big Time)????? Unless there's some reflections of the wavelengths in the upper registers given/relative the dimensions of the R-3 that actually warrant one of the smaller Ravens better at the high-frequency extremes and the crossover worth it--I can't think of any reason to do something like that. But can't the R-3 be crossed even lower than the ATC dome-like 500hz with the R-3. If it were to be an active system-the money saved on xover parts and an extra set of amps would be a strong point in favor of a two way R-3 setup.
Yes i found access to the ATC's. Since we're on the subject of "best" midrange, it's good you brought up the Raven 3. This ribbon is one very interesting speaker. If i chose to go single source driver this would be the one. The R-3 does go down to an amazing 500,i had thought it was 1K. Zalatroyn has a kit with the R-3. New York Noise Maker. You can see the xover schematic and a picture. The NYCN has dual Focal 10 inch Kevlar woofers in each cabinet. Quite a load for a tube amp i would guess. They xover at 500, which seems low to me. I would feel 1K would be a better xover point, so as not to stress the R-3. Though the unit does looks like it's built like a tank. The R-3 could offer a seemless image that the ATC + tweeter may not. If i used the R-3's i would go with the new Seas W26. W26 + R-3! What a speaker!!...for under 5K!
One drawback of the R-3 (in my opinion anyway) is the limited vertical listening window. When you stand up, you lose the highs. Now I probably place a higher premium on good sound while standing up (and dancing) than most people do. But if I were using the R-3, I'd probably want to use an R-1 or (egads!) Pioneer leaf tweet for the top end.

No doubt about it though - sit down and the R-3 is stunning.

If you decide to call Orca with questions about the R-3, ask for Allen Hulsebus. Allen is one of the finest loudspeaker engineers in the business, though his work never ends up with his name on the box.
New kid on the block...Zellaton, don't know much about the driver right now i'm researching. E-speakers has them on order. I just got a note on Madisound from a DIYer who has all the midranges on his table. He votes on the Zell's...???As soon as i know something i'll post. The Etons got votes as well.